Tag Archive | boiling springs

Fun, Friendship, and Raw Cookie Dough


Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Fudge.</p

I was so excited to see this recipe on a blog that I love to read. www.at350degress.wordpress.com Be warned I think it is possible to gain weight by just looking at the pictures. 🙂 Amazing blog with simply amazing recipes!

Who doesn’t love cookie dough? I grew up tasting everything out of the batter bowl. Who am I kidding, I grew up tasting everything that was mixed in a bowl before it was cooked. I can remember eating biscuit dough. Looking back I realize, I was a kid that loved to eat and was apparently very impatient.

This recipe took me back to times that I think about a lot less these days and it felt good.

I realize for the folks who have moved to Boiling Springs in the past 10 years this will be hard to comprehend, but in the 80’s and early 90’s you had 3 choices of where to eat in the “Springs”. Every afternoon most high school students were at Hardee’s. We would order raw chocolate chip cookies in bulk. This was before the “food patrol” that has come to the concensus that 90 percent of what we eat is dangerous. I know I know…that is a bit exaggerated. Or is it? I have consumed things that would probably give the food patrol a heart attack. I am not proud or bragging. I have paid for it dearly by packing on way too many extra pounds at times in my life, but it didn’t kill me to eat a raw egg mixed in a fabulous sugary dough mixture. I have licked way too many wooden spoons covered in goodness in my life. Heck, we would fight over who got the spoon and who got the bowl. The spoon was the prize because it was already coated. Think of it as a batter popcicle. Gosh, I wish I had a spoon full of batter right now! Let me refocus!

This recipe is “legal”. “No raw eggs” for those members of the food patrol. But, I can daydream that I am in Karen’s 1988 Trans Am music blaring and eating way too much RAW cookie dough on the way to do something that we probably should have avoided, but it was always fun. Karen was a beautiful person who was taken from this world way to early. She was a charming friend with southern morals. Her smile and laugh would light up a room and she had a contagious laugh. It is amazing how a recipe can take you back to some of the best times of your life! Thanks for the memories Karen.